
Making an Online Midterm Student Survey for Your Class

I’ve heard from lots of colleagues over the years that a quick survey of students in your class at the midpoint of the term — together with a discussion with your class about what you heard in the responses — improves the class climate and gives the instructor important feedback. Especially at this time when […]

A collection of thoughts on grading

Anne Marie Butler — Art History Restructuring & rethinking grading, including: How do we measure engagement? I have removed the engagement and attendance policies from my syllabi. One of the major grading areas is group work, and student provide peer and self-evaluations on the group work. In the attendance and engagement areas of the syllabus […]

A Collection of Thoughts on Building Community.

Anne Marie Butler — Art History How do we form community? (This was a topic we discussed before the spring quarter began too, but we’re sure you have thought about it more now, and have additional ideas.) like I begin all my classes, in the online version we will continue in the first class to […]

Rethinking assessment strategies in online courses: equity and honesty — Rick Barth

Years ago, when I was a young(er) faculty member at the College, Professor Gail Griffin of the English department was in that era’s equivalent of my current role. She made a pronouncement (she made so many) in a faculty meeting discussion that has remained with me clearly: “When a student cheats, it doesn’t mean they’re […]

What we have lost, and what remains — TLW Fall 2020

In the Teaching and Learning Workshop this morning, we spent some time in individual reflection around the question “What have I lost in this time of the pandemic, and what remains?”. When we shared our thoughts with each other, we notice themes of grief and mourning we share in common. First we noticed that our […]

Making a Connection with Assessment and Feedback — Rick Barth

FIDeLity Feedback L. Dee Fink, in a comprehensive article Integrated Course Design [1], sets out an actionable list of components for designing learning-centered course. When I read this piece as part of a summer online workshop, I was immediately struck by the approach to assessment and feedback described there and its similarity to what I […]

Form Community by Respecting Students’ Time — Josh Moon

There are many elements to forming community in an online course so I’m going to focus on one – time. I know one temptation is to utilize lots  of synchronous time to form community. The more time together, more community, right? This is one area where the in-person experience does not translate to the online […]

Things I plan to try for Creating Community — Alyce Brady

I’m still thinking about how to use my synchronous time on Day 1 for creating community, but in the meantime I do have 3 ideas I’m planning to use: 1) Before spring quarter began, Sally Reed (Psych.) offered the suggestion to create a PowerPoint deck and have each student contribute a slide introducing themselves.  I […]