Teaching Commons Library

The Teaching Commons has a small library of books related to teaching and learning. You can either read these books at the Teaching Commons or check them out for a couple of weeks. Our collection includes:

  • Ambrose, S.A. et al. 2010. How Learning Works. Jossey-Bass
  • Astin, A.W., Astin, H.S. and J.A. Lindholm. 2011. Cultivating the Spirit. Jossey-Bass
  • Bain, K. 2004. What The Best College Teachers Do. Harvard
  • Belenky, M.F. et al. 1997 (1986). Women’s Ways of Knowing. Basic Books
  • Bok, D. 2006. Our Underachieving Colleges. Princeton
  • Bowen, J.A. 2012. Teaching Naked. Jossey-Bass (2 copies)
  • Brown, P.C. et al. 2014. Make It Stick. Belknapp Harvard
  • Carnes, H.C. 2014. Minds on Fire. Harvard [“Reacting to the Past”]
  • Chambliss, P.F. and C.g. Takacs. 2014. How College Works. Harvard
  • Dewey, J. 1997 (1938). Experience and Education. Touchstone
  • Diangelo, Robin J and Dyson, Michael Eric. 2018. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism, Beacon Press
  • Fink, L.D. 2003. Creating Significant Learning Experiences. Jossey-Bass
  • Huston, T. 2009. Teaching What You Don’t Know. Harvard (2 copies)
  • Levine, A. and J.s. Cureton. 1998. When Hope and Fear Collide. Jossey-Bass (2 copies)
  • Light, R.J. 2001. Making the Most of College. Harvard
  • Macrorie, K. 1974. A Vulnerable Teacher. Hayden
  • McKeachie, W.J. 2002. McKeachie’s Teaching Tips. Houghton Mifflin (4 copies)
  • National Research Council. 2000. How People Learn. National Academy Press
  • Palmer, P.J. and A. Zajonc. 2010. The Heart of Higher Education. Jossey-Bass (3 copies)
  • Zull, J.E. 2002. The Art of Changing the Brain. Stylus Publishing