The goal of the Teaching Commons is to support instructors at all levels. The Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Assessment is available to consult with new and not so new faculty members on topics related to teaching and learning. These consultations are confidential. The Assistant Provost will not be involved in the formal evaluation of faculty members for the purpose of reappointment, tenure, or promotion. Consultations are collaborative and customized to fit the needs of the individual instructor.
Topics for Consultations
Possible topics for consultation include:
- Course design
- Syllabus design
- Teaching with technology
- Inclusive teaching strategies
- Class observations (in person or Swivl video)
- Student focus groups (small group instructional feedback, SGIF)
- Discuss course evaluations
- Plan for peer observations
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
- Discussion about pedagogy in general (just for fun perhaps)