Taming the “Brute Force” Approach to Create a More Sustainable Online Course — Patrik Hultberg

Brute force: the application of effort of force instead of efficient, carefully planned and precisely directed methods. That sums up my approach to the sudden switch to remote teaching and learning. As it turns out, it can work. But 10 weeks of constant around the clock teaching and decision-making had taken its toll. Over the last few weeks I’ve tried to dissect my courses in an effort to determine what techniques were helpful and perhaps what I should change for the fall. My goal is to ensure that my next experience teaching a course with an online backbone is efficient, carefully planned, and hence less work.

I have the following goals:

  • Set limits on my own availability
  • Make some assessment activities automatic
  • Use technology for more efficient feedback to students: audio, video, annotation
  • Encourage group work
  • Implement low-stakes assessment related to my lecture videos
    • Some form of conditional access in Moodle
  • Microsoft Teams for student group discussions
A 7-minute video by Patrik Hultberg

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